Player Lookup was engineered to be a drop-in replacement for Corestrike’s API since its departure. We tried our best by looking at archives, but if there’s anything wrong with the formatting, please let us know at [email protected].
To search for a Player, simply send a GET request to the URL below, where <username> is the intended player.
Rate Limit:250 players per hour
(If you need more, let us know)
Currently, Player Lookup via playerId is unsupported.
Example Output
An example of the output is listed below:
Rating/LP History
The first number is a unix timestamp for when the rating was recorded, and the second number is the actual rating itself. So this rating is from April 27th, 2023 with 1280 LP:
[1682624969730, 1280]
Keep in mind that ALL Rating History is sent, so make sure to truncate any data from your return that you don’t need.