This endpoint returns a list of name changes for a specific playerId.

To search for a Player, simply send an HTTP GET request to the URL below, where <userId> is the intended player’s userId.<userId>

Rate Limit: 250 players per hour (If you need more, let us know, we can make exceptions 🙂)

Currently, Player Lookup via username is unsupported, and probably won’t be supported in the future.

Example Output

An example of the output is listed below:

    "userId": "6320c0862bbedf860c5c0cd7",
    "oldUsername": "zorro",
    "newUsername": "the fool",
    "changedAt": "2024-07-04T00:00:00.000Z"

Any username changes on or before the July 4th update just show up as 2024-07-04 at midnight or 1:00 AM. On the site, these are excluded.